Whose voice is being left out of the news?
This question is critical not only to the future of newsrooms, but to our democracy. BREAKING THE NEWS explores who’s been omitted from mainstream coverage, and how we can include them.
Through our impact campaign we seek to:
Support efforts toward full representation and belonging of women, BIPOC, and non-binary journalists
Share learning by women, non-binary, BIPOC and other diverse leaders on the need for inclusive, and intersectional news reporting
Work with business leaders to confront blind spots around gender and racial equity, inclusion and belonging
Share learning on how changing media landscapes and narratives can impact our democracy.
We are partnering with organizations and individuals to have candid conversations about the future of journalism and our democracy. To learn more, please click on each icon:
Plan a screening of BREAKING THE NEWS in partnership with your local newspaper or civic group.
Bring BREAKING THE NEWS to your local high school or college
Create a letter-writing campaign to help diversify local coverage.
Talk with family and friends to take stock of what inclusivity and/or belonging means to you.
Gather a group within your school or workplace to discuss what is being left out of news coverage – not only which stories are covered, but also whose point of view is centered, and who is reporting the story.
Support women and gender non-conforming journalists, and journalists from underserved communities, by following and liking them on social media and sharing their stories.
Hold a forum of local reporters of color to discuss their role in the community. Ask college and high school student associations to attend. Discuss pathways to more inclusive newsrooms.
Host a screening of the film at your workplace to discuss whose voices need to be heard and how to create a greater sense of belonging.
Host a similar discussion exploring ways to disrupt leadership hierarchies across your industry.
Share your experience and learning within your professional affinity groups.
Use the film to host candid conversations with young people and student newspapers about the challenges to belonging and inclusion in future workplaces.
Use the film to empower college/high school LGBTQ+ and BIPOC groups to have conversations
Support a youth-led conversation about the future of journalism in our democracy
Invite a future media maker to your workplace.
If you’re interested in hosting a screening or discussion or collaborating in other ways, please fill out our Screening Request Form and a member of our team will be in touch. Have questions? Please email us at nyasha@redowlpartners.com. We’d love to hear from you!